Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Business Design Summit #BDSummit

Chronological Tweets from Business Design Summit 18-19 April 2013 Berlin, Germany

Please RT: #bdsummit crowdsourced #storify #slidvu

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Growth Hacking: The first 1000 customers w/James Kennedy @StartupProduct meetup

#StartupProduct @StartupProduct Meetup April 17, 2013 w/ @JamesKennedy organized by @CindyFSolomon hosted by @GlenLipka, VP UX, @Marketo Cantina in San Mateo, CA

Please RT: Growth Hacking w/ @JamesKennedy @StartupProduct #storify slidvu #prodmgmt

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

#ProductSF How to Build Great Products: Insights

April 12, 2013 conference in San Francisco presented by Greylock Partners and Samsung Organized by Ty Ahmad-Taylor and Josh Elman. Read the event via crowdsourced collection of content via chronological tweets.

Please RT: #ProductSF How to Build Great Products #storify #prodmgmt #conf

#ProdMgmtTalk Global Product Management Talk With Dennis Shiao, Director, Product Marketing, INXPO April 15, 2013

How to Do Product Marketing Without Marketing Your Product w/ Dennis Shiao, Director of Product Marketing at INXPO and author of the book “Generate Sales Leads With Virtual Events” @dshiao

Please RT: #ProdMgmtTalk Product Marketing w/ @DShiao #storify #slidvu #prodmgmt

Thursday, April 4, 2013

APIs: Opening up Business and Providing Avenues for Growth

April 4, 2013 Silicon Valley Product Management Association (SVPMA) Santa Clara, CA Panel Discussion

Please RT: #SVPMA April #API Panel slidevu #storify #prodmgmt

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Products Are Hard #PAH13 April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013, 8am-5pm One day. One track. One love. at Hotel Whitcomb, San Francisco. Produced with love, passion, and barrel-aged spirits by Hotel Delta.

Please RT: #PAH13 @ProductsAreHard #storify #slidvu #prodmgmt #UX

Marketing Camp San Francisco #MCSF March 30, 2013

Tweets and content from @MarketingCampSF at Hult International Business School, San Francisco on March 30, 2013 curated by @CindyFSolomon @ProdMgmtTalk

Please RT: #MCSF @MarketingCampSF #storify slidvu @CindyFSolomon @ProdMgmtTalk #leancontent