[View the story "#ProdMgmtTalk on The Guide To The Product Management Body of Knowledge, ProdBOK®" on Storify ]#ProdMgmtTalk on The Guide To The Product Management Body of Knowledge, ProdBOK® Global Product Management Talk 9/9/13 broadcast and webcast on The Guide To The Product Management Body of Knowledge, ProdBOK® with Greg Geracie @GregGeracie Storified by #ProdMgmtTalk · Tue, Sep 10 2013 09:38:41
Announcing The Product Management And Marketing Body of Knowledge, ProdBOKPRLog (Press Release) - Sep. 2, 2013 - SAN FRANCISCO -- Today the product management community is a robust, thriving community of very in...
Today: @greggeracie Discusses The Guide To The Product Management Body of Knowledge, ProdBOK® bit.ly/17jR2jg #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Listen bit.ly/17jR2jg #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK, The Product Management Body of KnowledgeGreg Geracie, President of Actuation Consulting, will discuss the newly available ProdBOK, The Product Management Body of Knowledge! For ...
What is #ProdMgmtTalk? bit.ly/AlLEbNProdMgmt Talk
Greg Geracie, Discusses The Guide To The Product Management Body of Knowledge, ProdBOK®The ProdBOK® Guide Is Available for Purchase on Amazon! Today the product management community is a robust, thriving community of very in...
Passionate about Product? Register before Sept 15 for best price Product Bootcamp SF Oct 10-12, 2013 buff.ly/18I4Q7p #prodmgmtProdMgmt Talk
coming up: Webcast w/ @GregGeracie on ProdBOK Register: bit.ly/1aeGV4W #prodmgmtProdMgmt Talk
Global Product Management Talk
Meeting Registration: Introducing the Guide to the Product Management Body of Knowledge (ProdBOK) | AnyMeeting - The Completely Free Web Conferencing and Meeting ServiceToday the product management community is a robust, thriving community of very intelligent and talented people that are rarely ever conte...
Thank you @AIPMM @Sprintly @brainmates @startupproduct for sponsoringProdMgmt Talk
Meeting Recording: Introducing the Guide to the Product Management Body of Knowledge (ProdBOK) | AnyMeeting - The Completely Free Web Conferencing and Meeting Service
Guide to the Product Management and Marketing Body of Knowledge: ProdBOK(R) w/ @greggeracie #prodmgmt goo.gl/YP47VP~Cindy+F+Solomon~
The ProdBOK Guide is Now Available On Amazon #prodmgmt #pmi #iiba #ux lnkd.in/E7T6tygreg geracie
.@ProdMgmtTalk So excited about the new ProdBok. On the floor at #TCDisrupt but had to break away to hear this. #PassionateAboutProduct.Alicia Dixon
@GregGeracie's Take Charge Product Management #1 amazon.com/Take-Charge-Pr… #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Q1 What is the ProdBOK? bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracie #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk replyz.com/c/7TN3PProdMgmt Talk
Bodies of knowledge codify professions - not prescriptive how to - rather "what it is" enables common dialogue, lexicons #prodmgmtProdMgmt Talk
Hiring managers benefit from ProdBOK to recognize fundamental #prodmgmt skillset & transferable skills bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracieProdMgmt Talk
Other profession & cross-functional disciplines needed ProdBOK and demanded #prodmgmt documentation #prodmgmttalk bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK took best of breed approach - usually takes 3 years to develop due to complexity & laying first edition down bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK meant to be a reference to forward #prodmgmt procedures & broad thinking bit.ly/17jR2jg #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Expectations change from company to company for #prodmgmt its very contextual, terminologies differ @greggeracie bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
Q2 Why did it take 3 years to develop the Guide to the ProdBOK? bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracie #prodmgmt #p... replyz.com/c/7TN3zProdMgmt Talk
100 different #prodmgmt professionals in same room would give 200 diff answers to "what is Product Management" bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK was envisioned as a first edition - #prodmgmt will continue to evolve bit.ly/17jR2jg (maybe another 3 years..) #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Q3 Who was involved in the process of developing the ProdBOK? bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracie #prodmgmt #pro... replyz.com/c/7TN3oProdMgmt Talk
@greggeracie acknowleding Steve Eppinger @MIT #product #dev #design #promdgmtProdMgmt Talk
@AIPMM sponsored ProdBOK effort & tethers discussion of 7 phase lifecycle #prodmgmt bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
A; approx 60 people contributed to the development of the ProdBOK @AIPMM funded effort amzn.to/15nSR2L #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Universities, professors, analysts, authors, bloggers, consultants, assoc, thought leaders, practitioners #prodmgmt bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
Many famous names involved with development of ProdBOK (many have been guests on #prodmgmttalk!) #prodmgmt amzn.to/15nSR2LProdMgmt Talk
Product Managers specialize in particular phases of #prodmgmt lifecycle #prodmgmttalk amzn.to/15nSR2L covers allProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK meant to be comprehensive - not rote interpretention says @greggeracie #prodmgmt offers various approaches bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
Q4 What information is covered in the ProdBOK? bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracie #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk replyz.com/c/7TN37ProdMgmt Talk
@greggeracie sees that formations of ProdBOKs drive academic training in other professions #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Q5 Where can people purchase the ProdBOK? amzn.to/15nSR2L @greggeracie #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk replyz.com/c/7TN2RProdMgmt Talk
When will the ebook version of ProdBOK be available? @greggeracie very soon! Additional complexities #prodmgmt amzn.to/15nSR2LProdMgmt Talk
Books like ProdBOK are downloaded in digital form vs. textbooks since professionals access 24/7 amzn.to/15nSR2L #prodmgmtProdMgmt Talk
@AmazonKindle lets you view other people's highlights of an ebook! amzn.to/15nSR2L #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Q6 Is the ProdBOK intended to be an academic textbook to #prodmgmt? bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracie #prodmgm... replyz.com/c/7TN2yProdMgmt Talk
@abhinavrm Here is a link to the ProdBOK Product Management & Marketing Body of Knowledge amzn.to/15nSR2L #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
The ProdBOK Guide is Now Available On Amazon #prodmgmt #pmi #iiba #ux lnkd.in/E7T6tygreg geracie
Hiring managers benefit from ProdBOK to recognize fundamental #prodmgmt skillset & transferable skills bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracieProdMgmt Talk
@greggeracie acknowleding Steve Eppinger @MIT #product #dev #design #promdgmtProdMgmt Talk
@AmazonKindle lets you view other people's highlights of an ebook! amzn.to/15nSR2L #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
@GregGeracie gained grey hair in the process of developing #ProdBOK #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
Hiring managers benefit from ProdBOK to recognize fundamental #prodmgmt skillset & transferable skills bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracieProdMgmt Talk
Other profession & cross-functional disciplines needed ProdBOK and demanded #prodmgmt documentation #prodmgmttalk bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
Other profession & cross-functional disciplines needed ProdBOK and demanded #prodmgmt documentation #prodmgmttalk bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK took best of breed approach - usually takes 3 years to develop due to complexity & laying first edition down bit.ly/17jR2jgProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK was envisioned as a first edition - #prodmgmt will continue to evolve bit.ly/17jR2jg (maybe another 3 years..) #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
ProdBOK was envisioned as a first edition - #prodmgmt will continue to evolve bit.ly/17jR2jg (maybe another 3 years..) #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Register today for @StartupProduct Product Bootcamp SF bit.ly/11fNVcU #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Register today for @StartupProduct Product Bootcamp SF bit.ly/11fNVcU #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Q6 Is the ProdBOK intended to be an academic textbook to #prodmgmt? bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracie #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Q6 Is the ProdBOK intended to be an academic textbook to #prodmgmt? bit.ly/17jR2jg @greggeracie #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
@greggeracie sees that formations of ProdBOKs drive academic training in other professions #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
@greggeracie sees that formations of ProdBOKs drive academic training in other professions #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Goal of ProdBOK help academic insititutions standardize #prodmgmt and educate product leaders bit.ly/17jR2jg #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
Goal of ProdBOK help academic insititutions standardize #prodmgmt and educate product leaders bit.ly/17jR2jg #prodmgmttalkProdMgmt Talk
.@ProdMgmtTalk So excited about the new ProdBok. On the floor at #TCDisrupt but had to break away to hear this. #PassionateAboutProduct.Alicia Dixon
Passionate about Product? Register before Sept 15 for best price Product Bootcamp SF Oct 10-12, 2013 buff.ly/18I4Q7p #prodmgmtProdMgmt Talk
Thanks @cindyfsolomon for the chat. Very excited to be bringing @StartupProduct summit to #sydney in 2014 #prodmgmt #startupBrainmates
RT @ProdMgmtTalk: ProdBOK was envisioned as a first edition - #prodmgmt will continue to evolve goo.gl/djvCFG (maybe another 3 yea…~Cindy+F+Solomon~
RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Goal of ProdBOK help academic insititutions standardize #prodmgmt and educate product leaders goo.gl/djvCFG #pro…~Cindy+F+Solomon~
RT @ProdMgmtTalk: A; approx 60 people contributed to the development of the ProdBOK @AIPMM funded effort goo.gl/LVO6H7 #prodmgmt #…~Cindy+F+Solomon~
Startup Product News buff.ly/15cTUQN Product Bootcamp SF Oct 10-12ProdMgmt Talk
The ProdMgmt Talk Daily is out! paper.li/ProdMgmtTalkProdMgmt Talk
Help Others Make Good Product Decisions Too sco.lt/5rWIy1 #startupproduct by @ttorresProdMgmt Talk